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Everything You Love About Coffee

Pellentesque lobortis, turpis et aliquam interdum, justo lacus cursus sem, eget euismod sem nisi vitae sapien. Aliquam eu dui finibus magna eleifend dictum et vitae tortor. Integer luctus nec ligula et congue. Cras consectetur vulputate gravida.

Better coffee!

Vivamus congue in enim nec sagittis. Etiam vel fermentum neque, in faucibus mauris. Nulla facilisi. Sed vel ultricies turpis. Curabitur quis urna luctus, dictum urna a, commodo lacus norbi luctus neque

The Coffee Connection

Quisque pharetra porta ipsum, quis luctus ante. Etiam eu varius leo. Donec at finibus est. Morbi id lacinia est. Morbi luctus imperdiet neque ut sagittis. Curabitur scelerisque at risus ac semper.

The sip of freshness

Praesent fermentum lectus quis libero molestie feugiat. In ac tristique eros, et convallis orci. Donec arcu purus, euismod nec eleifend et, luctus efficitur erat. Pellentesque at justo porttitor quis ornare ante

Espresso Yourself

Nullam tempus neque elit, vitae ullamcorper justo blandit et. Curabitur vitae vestibulum elit. Integer quis ornare ante. Phasellus vel aliquam libero. Maecenas ipsum mi, placerat sed sapien.



Delicious, handcrafted beverages and great-tasting food. The secret to making life better.



Facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis scelerisque fermentum dui. Mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel aenean euis.

Our Client Words

"I tried your coffee recently with my husband and haven't missed a morning since then for your delicious coffee."

"Thank you for thinking of putting together organic coffee that those of us in the organic community can enjoy without worrying about how it was grown!!!"

"Your coffee tastes absolutely delicious!! I love the smooth, rich, chocolate flavor in every sip!!"

"AHA coffee is nothing less than DELICIOUS and bold!! I love your CSR!!! You have my vote!"

"Aromatic Horizons of Africa is addictive!!!!! I love your coffee. The aroma of the whole beans is so strong, bold, and aromatic, and the flavor keeps me going back for more. I brought it into my office and that's pretty much all we use now!! Thank you!"

Our Team

Bill Burgess

Bill Burgess

Area Sales Manager
Freda Casey

Freda Casey

Sales Officer
Andy Harris

Andy Harris

Assistant Manager
Elizbeth Powell

Elizbeth Powell

Production Officer